Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Hickey

The other night right before bed Taiyo and I noticed a mark on the side of Soni's forearm. It didn't look quite like a normal bruise or quite like a burn, and neither of us recalled Soni crying at all that day (not a pain cry anyway), so we were puzzled about what it could be. Finally we figured out what it was... it was a hickey. When Soni gets hungry he loves to suck on his hands and arms, and he must have sucked on his little arm so hard that it left a big hickey! It's mostly gone now but I thought it was quite funny when we realized what it was. We know he's destined to be a heartbreaker but his first hickey at 3 weeks old?! haha...

1 comment:

vanessa v said...

That is so hilarious! LOL a hickey already huh? hmmm... :)