Friday, November 21, 2008

I know it's not even Thanksgiving yet, I just can't wait!

There are two things my Christmas could not go without.

I haven't gone a year without Mariah Carey's Christmas songs since it came out. It doesn't seem like I will ever grow out of it. Taiyo has been hesitant to start playing Christmas music yet, but he knows I'm dying to already, so last night while I was in the kitchen making bread (with the new breadmaker my mom got us!! Thanks mom!) Taiyo was at the computer and all of a sudden I heard this song start and I got so excited I just had to go kiss him and start dancing around the room, lol. He's so sweet.

And of course, what would Christmas be without A Christmas Story... Unfortunately we don't have a TV, so I'm not going to be able to have the 24 hour marathon playing this year... :( I'll have to find the movie to borrow somewhere.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Congrats! It's a.... jelly bean?!

We have a jelly bean! Can't tell if it's a pink one or blue one yet though.

I had my first prenatal appointment yesterday in Kailua. Everyone at the health clinic is SUPER wonderful and nice and helpful. The lady practitioner I'll be working with most of the time met with me and did all the normal checkup things, took a little "looksies" down there, and then to my surprise, said she was going to do an ultrasound! I'm only 7 and 1/2 weeks now, but she did it and took all the measurements and everything, and we could see the baby's little heart beating!! It was all a bit much for Taiyo to take in. He had never seen anything like that before (the whole checkup procedure, especially since the ultrasound was not abdominal... it was... from the inside). But I couldn't stop smiling just seeing the little baby inside me. It's limbs are just barely starting to grow. 33 more weeks to go! Oh, and the official due date is June 29!