Sunday, May 31, 2009

Robot Wars

This past Friday was the school's closing social for Spring 2009. For the first three hours there were four giant blow-up things for people to play on, and then a dance afterward. Since I was not allowed to participate in any of the blow up toy activities due to my "condition" I was the camera girl and took some pictures of Taiyo and some of the other guys battling against each other.

Taiyo and Hema going at it in an Air Bot war...

Unfortunately they broke the thing and the workers had to deflate it, fix it, and then put it back up.

Taiyo "velcroing" himself to the wall.

Racing through the Iron Man obstacle course

The boys did this one sooo many times trying to beat each other's scores. They had to run forward with a bungee cord strapped to their back, and see how far they could reach. Taiyo was proud of himself for getting the best score of the night :)

And finally one with me in it to prove I was there

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