Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Survey says:

I decided to try out a few of the old wives tales and ways to determine the gender of the baby. Here is what they say for me.

Chinese Gender Chart- GIRL
Old Wives Tales Quiz (www.babygenderpredictor.com)- GIRL
Wedding Ring on a String- circles, so GIRL (right?)
I seem to be carrying more round than watermelon shaped- BOY
Heart Rate (136)- BOY
I prefer to lay on my right side (according to Taiyo's sis that means...)-BOY
Ultrasound- ?? SCHEDULED FOR FEB 12!

What do you think?! I'll put up a poll right over there -->
on the right hand side of the page and I'll leave it open until Feb 12 when we find out for sure (assuming baby cooperates)!


Lori Litchfield said...

Its going to be the most beautiful baby ever!! I'm going to be excited no matter what it is but I think it is a girl.

The Tafuna Family said...

my friend did the chinese chart and the ring thing too and it said he'd be a boy, and ta da....i vote girl